/ 15 November 2012

Census 2011 inaccuracies: Send us your questions

The census shows a recent ­increase in the number of births in all ­population groups
The census shows a recent ­increase in the number of births in all ­population groups

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The results of census 2011 will have a huge influence on how money is spent in South Africa, but critics say the results are questionable.

On closer inspection the numbers suggest a problem with the R3.4-billion census process.

In this week's Mail & Guardian newspaper, to be released on Friday, Phillip de Wet uncovers serious discrepencies, such as an inexplicable surge of white women entering the country.

What does it mean and how will it affect how our money is spent? Tell us what you think in the comment section below this article and we'll put your questions to de Wet.

Then join our weekly live video at noon on Friday where we take you behind the stories making headlines. 

M&G Online deputy editor Verashni Pillay will pose your questions to de Wet during the chat. We will also take your tweets in real time sent to @verashni.

You can also join our chat via video. Sign up here to receive weekly updates about our Friday live videos, and to join us.

  • Watch our previous live videos here.