/ 25 July 2012

The man is an icon, the day is not

Although there is an enduring perception among South Africans in South Africa that all expats hanker after home
Although there is an enduring perception among South Africans in South Africa that all expats hanker after home

In this nation of some 4.4-million people, Saffas, as we are known, are to be found in every nook and cranny, every occupation and at every station of life. From farmers to doctors, tradesmen to teachers, an estimated 50 000 people have made the South Pacific nation their new home, 12 000km away and 10 hours in the future. Nearly all of them are white, although some Indian, some coloured and a very small number of black Saffas have made the trek to a country that has very different problems to those faced in South Africa.

Although elements of South African culture are preserved in the many online and physical groups which have sprung up around what is a distinct and recognised community, interest in Mandela Day is not high on the agenda. "What am I doing for Mandela Day? What?" is a typical response, in this case said by Auckland-based chartered accountant Clint Jackson, now working for New Zealand bank Westpac. It isn't said with bitterness, either – rather, it is simply not on the agenda. "I've got too much other stuff to be interested in, we have our own public holidays and worthy causes locally."

It's not an uncommon sentiment: although there is an enduring perception among South Africans in South Africa that all expats hanker after home, these tend to be a perhaps vocal minority, aided by the wonders of the internet. The greater number busy themselves with becoming part of Kiwi culture – which, with similar colonial roots, in many ways resembles the "white, English, middle class, moderate" community of KwaZulu-Natal in the 1980s.

That's not to say that they forget where they came from or who they are; rather, given the considerable cost and upheaval involved in moving countries and earning the right to live and work in, and become a citizen of, another country, they set about doing just that.

Where is the love? You will find it
An examination of significant expat websites turned up no evidence of any special efforts around Mandela Day. A request for any comment regarding Mandela Day placed on the Safra-Kiwi Facebook page, which has nearly 2 000 members, drew a stony silence. The 1 659-member amakiwi.co.nz page has not a single mention of Nelson Mandela, much less Mandela Day.

Does this mean South Africans in New Zealand don't care about Nelson Mandela and his contribution to the struggle? Certainly not. In casual conversation, most expats remember Mandela with great fondness and respect. Mark Taylor, a North Shore software programmer, sums up common sentiment: "Nelson is an excellent leader; he overcame huge challenges to accomplish a lot in his life. I read his biography and love to tell people here more about that aspect of South African history.  If he was still president, I would probably still be there."

Did Taylor do anything for Mandela Day? "When is Mandela Day?  Has it already happened?"

It's a commercial thing
Indeed, the only substantial effort put into Mandela Day in New Zealand was mounted by international skincare firm Dermalogica. As part of its efforts, the Kiwi branch of the company placed 67 auctions on TradeMe.co.nz (a site similar to eBay), with proceeds going to charity. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the company's Auckland-based marketing coordinator, Sarah Grey, hails from Johannesburg.

"We wanted to do something distinctively Kiwi but As TradeMe is one of New Zealand's most visited websites, tying in with that was the obvious choice. "People on TradeMe have been fantastic around it [the Mandela Day auctions]; however, people do struggle to identify with the day, so we have also linked to [a local charity]," Grey says.

Agreeing that Mandela is an icon and describing him as "an amazing person", she admits that outside of the company programme, like many South Africans she isn't doing anything related to the day from a personal perspective. Does she think expats are particularly interested in either Dermalogica's efforts or the TradeMe auctions? "Probably not. It is more often Kiwis [New Zealanders] who are responding in terms of the bidding."

Of course, New Zealanders themselves are a highly educated and often adventurous people, with the country enjoying a history of standing against apartheid. Nelson Mandela is well known and recognised across the nation; blogger Helene Ravlich, who posted about Mandela Day, is one of them. "Anything that reminds us how desperately others in our community need our help can only be a good thing. Mandela Day holds up the life's work of an extraordinary man as an amazing example to follow. It's a call to action for whatever time you can spare, and will benefit more people than you realise."