/ 4 October 1996

Holomisa takes his case to the people

Gaye Davis

BANTU Holomisa, while preparing to launch a court action against the African National Congress to overturn his expulsion from the organisation, will be addressing rallies around the country in coming weeks.

Holomisa was locked in consultations with his lawyers this week after instructing them to seek a legal review of expulsion from the ANC. Under consideration was launching an urgent interdict to prevent his losing his seat in Parliament, as no constitutional mechanism exists for reinstatement.

Holomisa’s expulsion from the ANC, decided at a disciplinary meeting on August 30, was confirmed by unanimous decision at a special meeting of the ANC’s 77-member national executive committee on Monday.

Holomisa said the judgment he was handed this week bore little resemblance to the one he had received after the disciplinary hearing.

“I believe this judgment was written with a political solution in mind to recover lost ground and repair some of the damage done.

“The ANC was castigated locally and internationally for acting against me for going to the truth commission. That triggered a series of events which gave rise to the additional charges. I look forward to going to court, where there will be a neutral hearing.”

Holomisa will be addressing rallies in KwaMahlanga, Mpumulanga on Saturday, in Khayelitsha and Guguletu on Sunday, in Soweto next Sunday, and in Rustenburg the following Saturday.