OWN CORRESPONDENT, Durban | Friday 8.00pm.
THE South African Footplate Staff Association, a traditional bastion of white workers, announced on Friday that it has merged with black trade union the Democratic Labour Union of South Africa.
The new union which represents Transnet workers will take Safsa’s name, secretary-general of the merged union Chris de Vos announced at a launch in Durban.
The new union will represent over 10000 members countrywide, with two offices in KwaZulu-Natal.
De Vos said the merger is a response by both unions to the growing need to change.
“This will help our members, particularly blacks, to get strong representation. I must also emphasise that this is a vital step towards real democracy in our country,” De Vos said. Delatusa founder Mzameni Mthiyane said: “Everyone has a right to work; therefore this move will ensure that everyone’s job is secured.”