/ 10 May 1999


ANGLOGOLD, the world’s largest gold producer, said on Friday that it was unperturbed by the proposed sale of more than half of the British Treasury’s gold reserves. AngloGold marketing director Kelvin Williams said that the quantities of its gold reserves Britain is planning to sell would not impact severely on the market. The British Treasury announced earlier on Friday that it was planning to reduce the national gold reserves from the current 715 tons to about 300 tons. It said it plans to sell an initial 125 tonnes in 1999-2000. Williams said the sales “will be easily absorbed by the market and it is not at a level that frightens us.” However, Williams said, what does concern AngloGold is that instead of the normal announcement after a gold sale, there was now “a process of foreplay”, both by the International Monetary Fund and the Bank of England, which causes speculation ahead of sales.