CABINET may amend legislation to recognize the Orania community’s claim to self-determination in the terms of reference of the Municipal Demarcation Board. Following a meeting with a delegation from the Northern Cape Afrikaner settlement in Kimberley, Provincial and Local Government Minister Sydney Mufamadi said Orania’s concerns over its proposed new municipal status will soon be served before Cabinet as part of a report by the Volkstaat Council. “If after considering the report Cabinet is of the view that something needs to be done to the laws of the country to enable us to implement the council’s recommendations, this will be done,” Mufamadi said.”I can’t imagine that the council would deny the Orania community an opportunity to argue its case”. The Municipal Demarcation Board had proposed in February that Orania be merged with the municipalities of neighbouring towns of Strydenburg and Hopetown. Orania however maintains that its claim to independence is underpinned by the Constitution.