/ 1 January 2002

SA urges Israel ‘to take the bravest step of all’

South Africa called on the Israeli government on Monday to cease attacking and using excessive military force against Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and his compound in the West Bank town of


It urged Israel ”to take the bravest step of all” by immediately halting its military action, withdrawing from Palestinian-controlled areas and putting an end to the cycle of animosity.

In a statement expressing concern about the continuing siege of Arafat’s office compound and the killing of four Palestinians, the Department of Foreign Affairs repeated Pretoria’s view that there

could be no military solution to the conflict.

Only a genuinely negotiated political solution, establishing a sovereign Palestinian state, could bring justice and peace to the Middle East.

”South Africa joins nations of the world in condemning the use of excessive military force and attacks on the person and infrastructure of the democratically elected leader of the Palestinian people, President Arafat.

”South Africa calls on Israel to cease this policy.”

Arafat and 250 of his loyalists have been blockaded in the compound since Thursday. Israel is demanding Arafat hand over at least 20 suspected militants inside his offices. – Sapa