/ 1 July 2003

‘Gimme Moore’ returns to the big screen

It’s five years since Demi Moore last made a movie anyone paid to see. That was GI Jane, back in 1997, and afterwards she more or less upped sticks and decamped to her home in Hailey, Idaho, to raise her daughters. Now she’s back, having signed on to play a villain in the big-screen Charlie’s Angels. Chances are, however, that the $12-million salary she once commanded is now a thing of the past.Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle is only the second movie role Moore has played since GI Jane, the other being a role in the forgettable Passion of Mind. Full Throttle may seem to represent a decline in income and profile, but bear in mind that producer Drew Barrymore likes to namecheck icons of female achievement and there’s no doubt that Moore broke many glass ceilings during her years at the top.However, she also busted a lot of important people’s balls, and when her career chickens finally came home to roost, they left shit all over Miss D.

Her extravagant demands, her huge entourages and her temper earned her the nickname ”Gimme Moore”.Meanwhile, her attention-seeking ploys (stripping down to a layer of paint on the cover of Vanity Fair and making a movie, Striptease, to showcase her ugly boob job) helped her no more than such dreadful inspirations as rewriting The Scarlet Letter to include a nude hot-tub scene and a happy ending. Someone give her a hug, for God’s sake.On the other hand, her career tells us something about how women’s careers can simply end overnight. I have my problems with Moore and her whole ”need-me” ethos, and I’d love to burn every copy of St Elmo’s Fire, but I miss her sexy voice and all the tabloid nonsense that goes down whenever Moore’s in charge. Oh, and the reduced salary shouldn’t be a problem — she’s an Austin Powers producer, after all. — Â