/ 18 July 2003

Jobs on agenda – but no BIG

The government is expected to announce several packages for the benefit of the poor and the unemployed after the Cabinet lekgotla next week.

Vusimuzi Madonsela, Director General of the Department of Social Development, said the Cabinet would be reviewing the comprehensive social security system in the light of the Growth and Development Summit agreement. Significantly, the lekgotla is one of the last before the general election.

The basic income grant (BIG) is not among the benefits to be announced.

The government’s announcement will include details of job opportunities to be created through expanded public-works programmes, which are expected to provide income relief through temporary work for the unemployed.

There has been considerable pressure on the government from various social lobby groups to provide a basic grant of R100 for all South Africans who fall through the existing social security network.

The grant was among the several recommendations contained in the Taylor report on comprehensive social security commissioned by the government. The government turned down the implementation of the BIG on the grounds that it did not want to create a culture of dependence.

According to the Growth and Development Summit agreement, the programmes will be designed to equip participants with a modicum of training and work experience, which will help them earn a living in the future.

Madonsela, while refusing to divulge any more details of the package, said the government was aware of the fact that these programmes only provide jobs in the short term. The package is expected to deal with long-term employment opportunities.