/ 20 December 2003

Blair hails Libya deal on arms

Tony Blair dramatically announced last night that Libya has agreed to give up hitherto undisclosed weapons of mass destruction after nine months of clandestine negotiation between Colonel Muammar Gadaffi and diplomats from Britain and America.

Acting in the greatest secrecy, diplomats and weapons experts had been shown by the Libyan authorities evidence of a well advanced nuclear weapons programme in 10 sites as well as chemical weapon agents. Libya also disclosed that it was working to produce a nuclear fuel cycle to enrich uranium.

In a bid to end decades of isolation from the international community, the Libyans also admitted they possessed aerial bombs to drop chemical weapons, as well as stocks of nerve gas. Western weapons experts were given access to scientists working in dual use facilities and on missile research and development.

Government sources said Libya did not possess a nuclear weapon, but was on the way to developing one. Its programme, officials said, represented a threat to Europe, as well as the Middle East.

Blair made the announcement in Co Durham just after 10pm, synchronising it with US President George Bush praising the Libyan move and encouraging other states to follow its example.

Bush described the Libyan’s move as a ”development of great importance in our continuing effort to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction”.

Libya itself said in a statement that it was ready to sign up to major international non-proliferation treaties and to open up all its programmes to international scrutiny. It said it was motivated by a need to return to the international fold and normalise relations with the west, but added that it was uneasy at the timing of the announcement.

”The leader (Colonel Gadaffi) confirmed that the circumstances may not be suitable as a result of the situation in Iraq and elsewhere… but they (Britain and America) urged Muammar al Gadaffi to announce that now, even though they are aware of the sentiments of Arab and Islamic states,” the Libyan statement read.

Bush said Libya could be a ”source of stability” in Africa and the Middle East. ”Leaders who abandon weapons of mass destruction will find a path to better relations with the US and other free nations,” he said. ”As we have found with other nations, old hostilities do not need to go on forever.”

But Bush was less lavish in his praise of Colonel Gadaffi than Blair and stressed that the US would remain vigilant to ensure the Libyans keep their promises.

The success of the diplomacy immediately sparked speculation about the chances of a similar result in North Korea. It will also be seen as a clear indication to the Iranian government that they too can come in from the international cold.

”I believe we have correctly identified the security threat of the early 21st century,” Blair said in a statement.

The channel of communications has been known only by a tiny few in Whitehall with fears that the deal would collapse if there was any premature disclosure.

Blair spoke to Colonel Gadaffi on Thursday afternoon to close the deal, with an agreement that the Libyan foreign ministry would make its dramatic statement in Tripoli.

Libya has previously denied that it possessed any weapons of mass destruction, but Blair said Libya came to Britain and America seeking to disarm in March following the agreement over Lockerbie.

Blair said Colonel Gadaffi, who has been in power since 1969, has now declared his intention to dismantle Libya’s weapons of mass destruction completely and limit the range of its missiles to no greater than 300 kilometres.

”Colonel Gadaffi has undertaken that this process will be transparent and verifiable,” Blair said, adding that ”Libya’s actions entitle it to rejoin the international community”.

Blair will be delighted by the Libyan move, as it becomes increasingly clear that the US- British Iraq survey group is failing to locate weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He will be able to argue that his hardline stance on Iraq has at least forced Libya to come forward, and that he has not only used military means to bring rogue states into line. – Guardian Unlimited Â