/ 24 June 2004

Bush memos show stance on torture

The Bush administration’s thinking about the use of torture in the war on terror was on display on Wednesday after the White House released a file of documents on the treatment of detainees.

The memos, which date from February 2002 to the beginning of the Iraq occupation in April 2003, offer a glimpse of the decision-making process at the highest levels of the Pentagon, the department of justice and the White House.

Their release was intended to blunt demands from Senate committees investigating the Abu Ghraib scandal for a fuller disclosure on how the administration sets the rules for detention and interrogation in the war on terror.

Instead, the administration on Wednesday stood accused of raising more questions than it laid to rest, with key Democratic figures and human rights activists noting that none of the documents specifically apply to treatment of detainees in Iraq.

Questions were also raised on the role of President George Bush after the release of a previously secret order he signed in February 2002. In the order, Bush reserves the right to suspend the Geneva convention on treatment of detainees at any time.

”I accept the legal conclusion of the attorney general and the department of justice that I have the authority to suspend Geneva [conventions] as between the US and Afghanistan,” Bush writes. ”I reserve the right to exercise this authority in this or future conflicts.”

Bush also calls for the humane treatment of detainees.

Other significant documents released list methods for extracting information that were approved by the defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, for use at Guantánamo Bay.

A November 27 2002 memo explicitly sanctions measures outlawed under the Geneva convention, such as forcing detainees to stand for up to four hours. It includes an acerbic comment from Rumsfeld, who uses a lectern as his desk: ”I stand for eight-10 hours a day. Why is standing limited to four hours?”

However, less than two months later, on January 15 2003, Rumsfeld rescinded approval for those methods, and set up a Pentagon panel to set rules for interrogation.

Administration critics on Wednesday said the documents fell far short of the disclosure demanded by the Senate.

Patrick Leahy, the senior Democrat on the Senate judiciary committee which had been thwarted in demands for 23 such memos, dismissed the release as a ”self-serving selection” of documents. ”The stonewalling in the prison abuse scandal has been building to a crisis point,” he said.

Tuesday night’s release of hundreds of pages of internal memos was intended to put an end to charges that Bush and other administration officials had authorised torture.

”Let me make very clear the position of my government and our country: We do not condone torture. I have never ordered torture. I will never order torture,” Bush told reporters at the White House.

The most damning document is an August 1 2002 memo from Jay Bybee, then assistant attorney general, which argues that torture — and even the killing — of prisoners could be justified to protect US security. It gives the president legal authority to override rules on torture. The memo proposes a narrow definition of torture, saying it would apply only to excruciating pain. Officials tried to distance the White House from the memo. But its author was made a federal judge last year. – Guardian Unlimited Â