/ 3 February 2006

What would you ask your politician?

Commentators reckon that next month’s local government elections are the most significant South Africa has ever seen.

John Kane-Berman, the chief executive of the South African Institute of Race Relations, writing in Business Day, says that 12 years after the first democratic election, the African National Congress’s promise of a “better life for all” remains unfulfilled for many.

This is where you come in. What would you say to President Thabo Mbeki if he was standing on the other side of the braai, beer in hand? Would you have any questions for Tony Leon if you ran into him in a dark alley?

Now’s your chance. The Mail & Guardian Online is preparing a special report on the local government elections, and we’d like to hear your questions. We’ll make sure the politicians answer them — so get writing.

Simply e-mail your question to [email protected] and put “Election” in the subject line.