/ 4 May 2007

Parrot leads Irish police to thieves

The cries of a parrot stolen from a house in the south-western Irish city of Limerick led police to the door of his thieves, a report in the Irish Examiner said on Friday.

The thieves had stolen 13-year-old Cheeky from his owners further up the same street in the city on Saturday night.

A passer-by alerted the police on hearing Cheeky’s cries of ”Help me! Help me!” coming from a house in St Mary’s Park on Thursday, and armed officers then stormed the building and retrieved the bird.

Cheeky flew from the cage he was being held in and out a back window, but was later recaught and returned to owners Brian and Mary Costello.

”He’s like one of the family and is a great talker. We were devastated when he was taken while we were overnighting with friends,” Brian told the Irish Examiner.

The couple were recently offered €2 000 for the bilingual bird, but turned it down, the report said. — Sapa-dpa