Have your Say
The Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Bill
[B7 – 2010]:
Submissions and Hearings
The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development invites stakeholders and interested persons to submit written submissions on the Prevention and Combating of
Trafficking in Persons Bill [B7 – 2010].
The purpose of the Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Bill is to:
- Give effect to the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking
in Persons, especially Women and Children
- Supplement the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised
Crime, 2000
- Provide for an offence of trafficking in persons and other offences associated with trafficking in persons
- Prevent and combat the trafficking in persons within or across the borders of the
- Provide for measures to protect and assist victims of trafficking in persons
- Provide for the establishment of the Intersectoral Committee on Prevention and
Combating of Trafficking in Persons
- Provide for matters connected therewith.
Submissions must be received by no later than 20 August 2010 at 12:00. Please indicate
your interest in making a verbal presentation. Public hearings will be held in Parliament on
24 and 25 August 2010.
Submissions and enquiries must be directed to Mr V Ramaano, Portfolio Committee on
Justice and Constitutional Development, 3rd Floor, 90 Plein Street, Cape Town, 8000 or e-mailed to [email protected] or faxed to 086 565 9219.
Copies of the Bill may be obtained from Mr V Ramaano, tel: (021) 403-3820 or 083 709 8427
or on the Parliamentary website at www.parliament.gov.za
Issued by: Hon NA Ramatlhodi, MP, Chairperson: PC on Justice and Constitutional Development.
Parliament. Making Democracy Work.