Amber Wang
@ AFP Taipei Amber Wang has over 160 followers on Twitter.
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/ 20 November 2007

Taiwan looks to eco-tourism to boost conservation

On a moonlit beach at the Wanan islet off south-west Taiwan, a group of tourists gather patiently to watch a green turtle using her flippers to cover the eggs she has just laid in the sand. The tourists count themselves lucky as the sea turtles, an endangered species in Taiwan, come to the beaches of several offshore islands for nesting for only a few months each year.

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/ 10 November 2005

Pineapple shrimp and strawberry tuna

Savoury ice cream has become a popular fad in trendy Western restaurants, but Taiwan vendor Liny Hsueh is whipping up business with an even stranger range of flavours — seafood. Hsueh’s ”Dr Ice” brand offers ice cream made from shrimp, cuttlefish, tuna, seaweed and laver (purple seaweed) combined with fruits, mint, wasabi, peanut and wine.

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/ 23 May 2005

Taiwanese toilet restaurant draws the crowds

Displaying toilet seats studded with flowers and shells, colorful bathtubs, faucets, mirrors and shower curtains, the well-lit window in the Taiwanese city of Kaohsiung looks like a showroom for a trendy bathroom brand — but it is a restaurant. Customers eat off plates and bowls shaped like Western loo seats or Japanese "squat toilets".