Only when we all truly embrace non-racism in South Africa can we consider the battle to be won
The principle of non-racialism remains one of society’s most radical and valuable principles because it includes classism and sexism
Non-racialism remains one of society’s most valuable principles
At the core of the Sahel coups is the removal of governments and leaders either historically not in support of the US/France or moving away from external domination
The ANC should not defend its leaders and members who have done wrong when the organisation has not instructed them to do so
The ANC has changed gear by talking to the people and being more open with the media. Is this real change or just a temporary tactical shift?
The governing party should have realised that a message of fear is far more profitable and successful than one of hope
The media, as the peoples’ megaphone, cannot remain silent. Accountability is not a nice-to-have, it is an absolute necessity