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Tracey Davies

Tracey Davies is the executive director of nonprofit shareholder activism organisation Just Share, which is at the cutting edge of corporate accountability in South Africa, using responsible investment and sustainable finance to drive action to combat climate change and reduce inequality.

Just Share was established in 2017 in recognition that no one was focusing on corporate accountability. Tracey is brilliant and brave in her approach in holding corporates accountable. Just Share filed the country’s first shareholder resolutions on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics, pushed South Africa’s big banks to adopt fossil fuel financing policies, and raised the profile of the effects of poor corporate governance on the economy.

When Just Share started, no shareholder had ever filed an ESG-related shareholder resolution at a JSE listed company.

Tracey is charismatic yet humble. Her ability to inspire creates an energised environment and a driven team. She is approachable and down to earth, and fosters an inclusive atmosphere, making everyone feel valued and heard. She is a leader, a trailblazer, empathetic and an excellent communicator and presenter. She is invited by companies, government departments, funders, media, academia and NGOs to speak on issues facing the country and the world.

Just Share NPC

  • BA LLB, University of Cape Town
  • LLM, New York University

Establishing Just Share and building it into a respected and recognised NGO that makes an important contribution to social justice in South Africa.

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” ― Arundhati Roy