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/ 30 January 2008

Scientists uncover mysteries of Tunguska asteroid

An asteroid that exploded over Siberia a century ago, leaving 2 072 square kilometres of scorched or blown down trees, was not nearly as large as previously thought, suggesting a greater danger for Earth. The asteroid that destroyed the forest at Tunguska had a blast force equivalent to one-quarter to one-third of the 10- to 20-megaton range.

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/ 20 September 2004

Dali drawings unearthed from Disney archives

Roy Disney said he had heard the myths at Walt Disney for a long time — that Salvador Dali’s artworks from a long-forgotten project were somewhere in the studio’s archives. It turned out not to be a myth. The artwork — which Disney valued at -million to -million — sat in the studio unseen by the public for 58 years. That is, until now.