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/ 14 March 2008

Commodities boom boosts SA

South Africa’s 2006 total mineral sales of R195,6-billion represented a more than 34% increase over the previous year’s figure of R145-billion and illustrates the industry’s more effective exploitation of the global commodities boom, heard the Chamber of Mines of South Africa’s annual general meeting in November last year.

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/ 14 March 2008

Africa’s most important industry is booming

Mining has been the mainstay of African economic development from an agrarian to an industry-based continent. Rod Pickering, president of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, said in his New Year’s message: "The end of 2007 marks the close of one of the most exciting years in the history of the mining industry."

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/ 19 December 2007

Celebrating service excellence

The Vuna Awards, which took place this week, provide an incentive for municipalities, rewarding those that give their communities excellent services and governance. In keeping with its name (Vuna means “harvest together” in the Nguni family of languages), “the awards seek to encourage service excellence and to celebrate municipalities, which are sowing the seeds of genuine development."

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/ 1 October 2007

Trialogue set to improve water governance

There has been much interest recently in mine-contaminated water, with media reports highlighting the issue and concern mounting that environmental and health risks are not being managed effectively. Africa’s variable and unreliable water resources have been a source of conflict for centuries.