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/ 28 May 2008

BBC: Refugee camps for migrants

Seven refugee camps are to be set up around the country for foreigners who have fled xenophobic attacks in South Africa, the BBC reported on Wednesday. The holding camps will take up to 70 000 people from increasingly unsanitary conditions at temporary shelters put up around state and municipal buildings and police stations.

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/ 30 January 2008

Worse to come in flooded Malawi

Rising flood waters devastating crops, livestock and infrastructure across half the coutry and menacing more than 73 000 Malawians are going to get worse, government officials said on Wednesday. ”It’s getting worse in Malawi because it is raining every day,” said Lilian Ng’oma, a senior official in the Disaster Management Ministry.

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/ 19 November 2007

Bangladesh storm toll nears 3 000

Nearly four days after Bangladesh’s worst cyclone since 1991 killed at least 2 350 people, rescuers were struggling to reach some devastated areas and officials feared the toll could climb sharply. Media reports and Bangladesh Red Crescent Society chairperson Mohammad Abdur Rob said the death toll had already surpassed 3 000, and was likely to go up.

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/ 30 October 2007

Taliban causing Afghan aid crisis, says UN

The United Nations on Monday demanded that the Taliban stop killing aid workers and looting aid convoys so that emergency supplies can reach vulnerable Afghans. Tom Koenigs, head of the UN mission to Afghanistan, said 34 aid workers had been killed by the Taliban and criminal gangs and 76 abducted so far this year.