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/ 17 August 2006

SADC leaders to talk regional integration

Southern African leaders gather for a summit on Thursday in Lesotho to discuss ways of streamlining trade to boost development in the poverty-sticken 14-nation regional bloc. The two-day talks will look at economic goals set for the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Discussions will also touch on subjects such as the Aids pandemic.

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/ 1 May 2005

Lesotho holds first ever local elections

Voters in Lesotho were casting their ballots on Saturday in their first local elections since the tiny southern African kingdom gained independence from Britain in 1966. However uncertainty over the role and powers of the new office bearers has taken some of the gloss off what should have been landmark polls.

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/ 28 April 2005

Lesotho to hold first local elections

The southern African kingdom of Lesotho is set to hold its first-ever local elections on Saturday but uncertainty over the role and powers of the new office bearers has taken the sheen off the polls. Grassroots elections were first mooted in 1993 when the Basutoland Congress Party came to power after a series of military dictatorships.

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/ 11 April 2005

Prince Harry returns to Lesotho

Prince Harry, the second son of the heir to the British throne, was expected to arrive in Lesotho on Monday, the British high commission there said. ”He will be here for a few days … Basically he will be here to follow up on the charity work he did when he was in Lesotho for two months last year,” said the deputy high commissioner to Lesotho.

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/ 13 January 2005

Factories close: Thousands jobless in Lesotho

Six textile factories have closed and their foreign owners fled Lesotho, leaving about 6 650 workers jobless in the small mountain kingdom in Southern Africa, the Factory Workers’ Union said on Wednesday. The union’s secretary general, Billy Macaefa, blamed the closures on the end of worldwide textile quotas that limited competition from cheap Asian exports to the United States and European Union.

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/ 21 September 2004

Lesotho Law Society takes on judges

Lesotho’s director of public prosecutions has threatened to prosecute members of the Law Society for criminally defaming High Court judges in a memorandum. Lindiwe Sephomolo, secretary of the society, said on Tuesday the memorandum dealt with the ”constitutional infirmity” of the appointment of acting Judge Brendan Cullinan.

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/ 30 August 2004

HIV/Aids may push Lesotho into poverty

HIV/Aids could reverse most of the development in Lesotho since independence and could drive the country into extreme poverty, the Central Bank of Lesotho has warned. The impact of the disease is being felt at all levels, with prolonged illness inducing financial hardships in many ways, said the bank’s Economic Review for the first quarter of 2004, released last week.

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/ 11 November 2003

Leading company named in Lesotho bribery

One of the world’s leading electrical companies, Schneider Electric, has been implicated in a R16-million bribery case in the Lesotho High Court. The alleged bribery relates to the construction of the now-completed Lesotho Highlands Water Project. French-based Schneider boasts operations in 130 countries.