Hillary Clinton refused to surrender to Barack Obama in the Democratic race for the United States presidency on Tuesday or to acknowledge she had reached the end of the road in her bid for the White House. Rather than concede the loss to Obama, the New York senator told a cheering crowd she would consult supporters and party leaders to decide the future of her campaign.
It’s almost over, isn’t it? That seems to be all anyone wants to know from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, but the only person who truly knows isn’t telling. ”I’m sort of a day-at-a-time person, and we’ll see when Tuesday and the day after Tuesday comes,” Clinton said on board a flight to South Dakota.
Hillary Clinton mentioned the June 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy in explaining on Friday why she had resisted calls to end her White House bid, drawing a rebuke from Democratic front-runner Barack Obama’s campaign. Clinton, who later expressed regret over the remark, made it to the editorial board of theSioux Falls Argus Leader.