Eusebius McKaiser writes about the right to privacy for public figures but also discusses the ‘grey areas’ when it comes to public interest
Not to be alarmist or anything but your virtual life is in constant peril and only the paranoid survive.
Scrambl3, a new app on the market, creates the smartphone equivalent of a virtual private network to make messages invisible on the internet.
The encryption genie is out of its bottle to give people back their privacy, but this is frightening world governments, writes Alistair Fairweather.
Internet use has come full circle, with anonymity becoming prized after years of personal info being shared online, writes Alistair Fairweather.
Online privacy is getting a lot of attention, but are we taking the right precautions to ensure that we are protecting ourselves online?
After a few easy open-source internet searches, Alistair Fairweather found out more about his privacy-vigilant victims than he ever thought he would.