/ 9 March 2001

Fourth Quarter Page Impressions

Site Avg Mnthly Impressions Quarterly % change

mtnsms.com 88 928 345 45%

iafrica.com 19 808 418 11%

M-Web network of sites 19 214 938 4%

Africam 14 379 852 23%

Webmail 12 475 498 -1%

News24.co.za 4 332 510 4%

IOL 4 088 423 -6%

Woza 4 075 520 -14%

Ananzi 4 035 993 29%

Junkmail 3 881 027 8%

Sharenet 2 258 791 1%

PSG-Online 1 815 175 -14%

Job Navigator 1 401 672 -22%

Sunday Times 1 363 436 6%

Careerjunction 983 929 19%

Moneymax 892 878 -17%

Business Day 857 083 1%

IT Web 802 541 18%

Financial Mail 663 065 3%

Moneyweb 635 404 55%

CARtoday.com 550 369 -3%

The Shopping Matrix 292 905 22%

Mobile Office 246 069 22%

Netassets 190 475 –

Getawaytoday.com 143 603 4%

LottoManager 70 241 –

E-Data 33 560 -16%

Total/Median 188 421 720 24%