Estimated worldwide HIV infections: 45 791 121 at 1.11 pm on Thursday March 7 2002.
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni received a Commonwealth award for action on HIV/Aids because he “began speaking out about HIV/Aids long before other national leaders and … put in place the necessary measures to control the epidemic in Uganda”. Museveni responded with a controversial assertion that part of his success was due to an alleged absence of homosexuals in the country.
Hallelujah: Religious leaders from different faiths held a two-day conference in Durban to establish a national interfaith task team that will coordinate activities against HIV/Aids.
Smooth running: Zola clinic in Soweto, site of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation programme that focuses on HIV/Aids prevention, was visited this week by former presidents of South Africa and the United States, Nelson Mandela and Jimmy Carter, accompanied by the father of the Microsoft founder.
Thumbs up: Mandela’s proposal that anti-retroviral drugs be made available. Mandela and Minister of Health Manto Tshabalala-Msimang met at his request on Monday to discuss his proposals. The matter will be discussed at an ANC national committee meeting next weekend.