The Bush administration’s efforts to contain the Abu Ghraib prison scandal were undermined on Monday when a military judge gave defence lawyers the right to call evidence from America’s most senior commanders on the interrogation techniques they authorised for use on Iraqi detainees.
Colonel James Pohl, who is overseeing the preliminary hearings against several soldiers, also ordered the declassification of secret evidence given to the internal inquiry into the scandal by General Antonio Taguba, who has already given explosive testimony to Congress.
This material could detail techniques used by military police at the jail, the chain of command inside the prison and the role of private contractors.
Colonel Pohl declared the prison a crime scene and said it must not be demolished.
Seven soldiers have been charged with committing physical assaults and grotesque acts of sexual humiliation on prisoners. Their cases have been referred to courts martial where the soldiers are expected to claim they have been made scapegoats because no officers higher up the command chain have been charged.
At Monday’s hearing in the heavily guarded green zone, the occupation headquarters, defence lawyers won permission to call as witnesses General John Abizaid, the head of US central command, and Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, the outgoing US force commander.
The defence contends that the accused were either acting under orders or assumed the ”stress positions” they put the detainees in to get information were authorised. Paul Bergrin, a civilian lawyer acting for Sergeant Javal Davis, told Colonel Pohl: ”Some of the last words my client heard before being deployed in Iraq was President Bush saying, ‘This is a war on terror. The Geneva conventions don’t and will not apply.”’
Earlier, the judge referred to the notorious photo of a hooded detainee standing on a box with electric wires on his hands; he had allegedly been told he would be electrocuted if he fell off. ”The defence says this was an authorised stress position to soften up detainees,” he said.
Captain Christopher Graveline, the government counsel, replied: ”It was not a stress position. It was done to humiliate that particular prisoner.”
The judge went on: ”We are now talking about specific stress positions. One man’s stress may be another man’s torture.”
Although he rejected defence calls for Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, to testify, he said the issue could be reviewed if the defence showed it was relevant.
He called for Abu Ghraib to be preserved as an important crime scene until the courts martial are over. After the scandal broke Bush said the jail would be torn down.
One soldier, Specialist Jeremy Sivits, pleaded guilty at a court martial in May and received a one-year sentence. The others are awaiting trial and Monday’s hearing for three soldiers was to hear defence motions and decide whether earlier hearings followed the rules.
The judge condemned the army for preventing the defence team from seeking evidence from a detainee. Army witnesses had claimed it was too dangerous for them to drive to Abu Ghraib prison, a claim the judge derided. ”Are you saying that the US army after 11 months in this area didn’t have a conference call speaker capability? I find it hard to believe, impossible to believe.”
Specialist Charles Graner, who faces the gravest charges, carrying a possible 24-year prison sentence, sat quietly as army investigators confirmed under cross-examination that they had not interviewed any detainees in Abu Ghraib, but had accepted the government’s assertions of abuse.
Outside the courtroom Bergrin said it had been ”a very good day” for the defence. ”My client never trained as a corrections officer or in military intelligence acquisition. He was asked consistently on a daily basis to soften up detainees to save the lives of US soldiers. Hooding, keeping prisoners naked, the use of dogs — these techniques were all approved by the authorities. Where does the grey line end? How does he know how to differentiate between these things?”
He hinted that he would open the issue of prisoner treatment at the US prison at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba. The commander of US prisons in Iraq since April is Major General Geoffrey Miller, who used to run the Guantánamo jail.
Colonel Pohl on Monday gave permission for General Miller to be questioned along with other senior officers.
Private Lynndie England (21) who posed for photos with a pyramid of naked Iraqi prisoners and holding a leash around the neck of a prisoner, faces separate proceedings on Tuesday in Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
She was transferred out of Iraq because she is six months pregnant. She has said the father is Specialist Graner.
Four US soldiers were killed on Monday in an ambush in the Sunni Muslim city of Ramadi.
South Korea said it would stand by a decision to send 3,000 soldiers to Iraq despite a videotaped threat from the kidnappers of Kim Sun-il. His abductors have threatened to behead him. – Guardian Unlimited Â