/ 4 June 2006

Legislation ‘was forced on to traditional leaders’

Inkatha Freedom Party leader Mangosuthu Buthelezi on Saturday called on all traditional leaders to join in a national dialogue to ”assess their position, role and situation in the new South Africa”.

He criticised Minister of Provincial and Local Government Sydney Mufamadi’s ”disdainful and contemptuous attitude” towards traditional leaders in South Africa.

In a statement to the media, Buthelezi said issues arising from the government’s establishment of traditional councils contribute to their dissatisfaction.

”It is important for traditional leaders to have a much closer relationship and greater audience with the provincial minister of local government, housing and traditional affairs,” he said.

This is ”to deal with the many issues arising out of legislation, which was not drafted with the participation of traditional leaders and which was forced on to them in spite of their repeated and well-motivated objections”.

Buthelezi added that traditional leaders are forced to participate in local councils even though they enjoy no voting rights, and this is an area that also requires attention. — Sapa