/ 24 April 2007

Zambian leader reshuffles Cabinet

Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa reshuffled his Cabinet on Monday, sacking his health minister and promoting several junior ministers.

Health minister Angela Cifire was fired and replaced by science and technology minister Brian Chituwo, said presidential spokesperson John Musukuma.

Deputy foreign minister Mike Mulongoti was promoted to Information Minister, and energy minister Felix Mutati was given the Commerce Ministry, Musukuma said.

The deputy sports minister, Patricia Mulasikwanda, was also promoted to a full ministerial post responsible for gender matters, while transport minister Peter Daka shifted to the Science and Technology Ministry.

Minister for gender Sarah Sayifwanda has moved over to transport, said Musukuma. The changes are with immediate effect.

Two weeks ago, Mwanawasa sacked his information minister, Vernon Mwaanga, for indiscipline during a trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo. — Sapa-AFP