Call for POWA Women’s Writing Project entries
People Opposing Women Abuse – POWA is now accepting submissions
for the 2010 POWA Women’s Writing Project. Submissions in the following categories will be accepted:
– poetry: no longer than 60 lines
– short story: no longer than 2500 words
– personal essay: no longer than 2000 words
The theme for the 2010 women’s writing project is: Love and Revolution
Love and Revolution are two words that are rarely used together. Where love is associated with passion, desire and romance, revolution
is often associated with revolt, uprising, riot and change, these seemingly opposing emotions. Yet often when we talk about love, what we are really talking about is not just the feeling of love, but its
power to transform us in ways that not even we could have imagined, and the more it begins to appear that love and revolution are in fact
two sides of the same coin. Sometimes the most revolutionary act is to love. And sometimes the revolution is an act of love. This year, POWA is calling for poems, short stories and personal
essays that tell of your experience of love, be it romantic love, the love of family, the love of friends, the love of community that has
touched you in revolutionary ways that have altered the way you see and approach life.
Guidelines for Written Work
- The POWA Women’s Writing project is only open to women and girl children of all ages living in South Africa
- Submissions can be written by individual women/ girls or by collectives of women and girls.
- Writing can be in any of the country’s 11 official languages
- All writing submitted must be new work, and must not have been
published anywhere else.
- Written work can be submitted via email or post in one of three ways:
- as word processed documents – typed in font size 12, double spaced, printed on white paper;
- on CD containing no files other than the written entry; or
- as handwritten hard copy documents, written in large,
legible print
For entry forms please go to
or contact: Nehwoh Belinda on 0116424345 –
Email: writingpro [email protected]
Deadline: Friday 5 November, 2010