Watch daily fashion shows by designers such as Craig Port, Thula Sindi and Doreen Southwood. Catch live performances by Gazelle, AKA and Moneoa in the Events Arena. And, especially for children, there are creative workshops featuring one stop-motion movie-making and more.
Design Indaba Expo is a showcase of the most innovative, new South African design, from furniture and fashion to jewellery, craft and homeware. Watch daily fashion shows by designers such as Craig Port, Thula Sindi and Doreen Southwood. Catch live performances by Gazelle, AKA and Moneoa in the Events Arena. And, especially for children, there are creative workshops featuring one stop-motion movie-making and more. Info at
Ten lucky winners will win a double ticket to attend the Design Indaba 2013 Expo.
Competition question: Name two of the DIY workshops that will be taking place at the Design Indaba Expo. Clue:
Email your answer as well as your name, surname and contact number here.
This competition is now closed.