When communists lie, it stinks! Since the 1920s, the South African Communist Party has produced outstanding patriots who "tell no lies and claim no easy victories". Public Works Minister Thulas Nxesi is not one of them.
Nxesi's attempts to shield his patron from the fallout of the Nkandlagate scandal are anti-revolutionary and anti-class struggle. Only pseudo-communists and fake revolutionaries lie. Compare President Jacob Zuma's palace at Nkandla and Nelson Mandela's houses in Qunu and Houghton. The difference in value is probably something like R180-million.
Genuine Marxist-Leninists cannot hide this looting of public funds. This is on top of the R36 000 we pay to each wife of the president a month!
In June, we celebrated 58 years of the Freedom Charter. Nothing in it says "we shall build the third president of our republic a R206-million palace with a tuck shop for his first wife, a bunker, a helipad, a gymnasium for the family and a clinic".
Nxesi the pseudo-communist is shielding plunder. This fake communist has no soul. Is it morally correct to enrich Zuma's family and his children when our youth are unemployed? Where in the Freedom Charter does it say "the wealth of the country shall be shared among the Zuma family and his cronies, the Guptas, Vivian Reddy, Sibusiso Mzobe, Khulubuse Zuma, Edward Zuma and Roy Moodley, and crumbs will be shared among Zuma's subjects, the people"?
Real communists must now vocalise their displeasure against Nxesi and his patron. Praying to God, Allah, Mvelinqangi, Jehovah or Nkulunkulu to give Nelson Mandela strength while Nxesi defends plunder is counter-revolution at its worst. Genuine communists must distance themselves from Nxesi, a traitor to Marxism-Leninism.
Ours is a democracy, not a Zumguptocracy! – Siyanda Mhlongo, KwaDukuza
Lies always contradict the truth in the same way water and oil repel each other. Details about President Jacob Zuma's compound ("1000% Zuma", July 5) refute a claim made under oath in Parliament and broadcast on SABC and e.tv – that he has a "bond" for the millions spent on his home. Immediately after misleading Parliament in this regard,Vivian Reddy came out to support that falsehood.
Cunningly, our president has refused to take the ANC or the entire nation into his confidence and give evidence of his bond. He spends R800 a month leasing land built on Ingonyama Trust land, ownership of land that the ANC no longer disputes because the king of the Zulus is now close to the ANC.
Figures published in the Mail & Guardian ("Number One emerges a clear winner", July 5) indicate that the state paid exorbitantly and Zuma paid nothing. A perception is growing that our president has never built his house, educated his children or maybe even paid lobola for his four wives. Schabir Shaik paid his electricity, water, school, rent and car bills. This was presented as evidence in the corruption case against Shaik and revealed by the KPMG audit of Nkobi Holdings.
A former university student laid a charge of sexual harassment against one of Zuma's sons. The docket on this case was reported missing at Mtunzini Police Station.
Many lies to cover the truth! But now we all know that with four wives, many girlfriends and even more children, Zuma could not afford a bond.
Zuma calls on us to pray for Madiba, but now we must pray for him to tell us the truth.
I now know why there is such desperation to pass secrecy laws, to feed people with lies and hide the truth about Nkandla. Put together, spin doctors Dominic Ntsele, Vusi Mona, Mac Maharaj, Keith Khoza and Jackson Mthembu cannot lie all the time to put Zuma in a positive light. We deserve an unqualified apology. – Jacqueline Fakude