/ 20 September 2016

Agriculture – ​Kabo Mogotsi

Agriculture – ​kabo Mogotsi

Kabo Mogotsi is a rangeland ecologist who has done research on climate variability and adaptation strategies. He is an expert on livestock fodder evaluation, grazing ecology and the management of semi-arid environments.

Mogotsi’s field of work involves strategic collaboration with and interaction between several government departments in Botswana, local and international universities, and the farming community. The findings of his research are widely disseminated for maximum impact.

He promotes agricultural knowledge and the latest research on numerous channels, including the electronic media, his presentations at various international platforms, and his sustained publication record in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

“Tapping into such scientific knowledge will improve livelihoods, and ultimately contribute to making Botswana competitive on the world stage,” says Mogotsi, who is passionate about his country’s future in agriculture.

Over the years, he has proven himself to be a leader in his field of work and his research on the livestock sector.

Botswana’s livestock industry is an important contributor to the national economy, as as a critical socioeconomic activity for subsistence farmers and their dependent households. His commitment to this industry’s future growth has enabled him to publish in over a dozen peer-reviewed journals, an unparalleled output record in the country’s public service.

Mogotsi has conducted research on the nutritive value of some important indigenous livestock browsing species in Botswana’s semi-arid landscape. In one of his publications, he confirms that the utilisation of natural grazing as quality livestock feed during the dry season can alleviate nutritional deficiencies and maintain livestock production, particularly in arid and semi-arid environments.

His studies have found that naturally occurring browse species have high nutritional value, and can be used as sources of feeds for livestock.

He also conducted research on the production of indigenous lablab species in response to the marked seasonal fluctuations in the nutritional quality of natural pastures. This has a significant effect on livestock productivity, and proves the argument for the incorporation of leguminous plants such as local bean plants in supplements.

Mogotsi has managed to achieve and make huge strides in his field, despite an environment where there are very limited resources for research and little financial incentive to publish.

“I believe research is the basis for all policy initiatives. For this country to progress, scientists must provide expertise and research for the betterment of humanity,” says Mogotsi.

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