/ 23 July 2018

Unembargoed: July 20 to 26

The M&G is now free to read online.
The M&G is now free to read online.

Costly Head winds pummel SAA

The free-spending chief executive’s latest British hire is set to earn a cool R5m for just six months’ work

Mabuza had better watch his back

The ANC deputy is seen by some provinces as a turncoat, rendering his position precarious

ANC ‘heist man’ in CR17 security link

The ex-Luthuli House staffer suspected of armed robbery was tasked with keeping Ramaphosa safe

Sex positivity takes on patriarchy

Women argue that doing so is a powerful and empowering way to counter partriarchal norms

Court tells Angie to fix schools — now

Equal Education has scored another victory in its long-running bid to force the department’s arm

Retirement fund fracas splits Amcu

Internal battle over control of members’ retirement savings widens rift

DA secret poll counters Ipsos

But the party’s survey suggests it has lost support in the Western Cape

Life goes on in bloody gangland

The drugs, the bodies, the violence – it’s hard to comprehend how people live in Ocean View

Mpembeni lives in fear of assassins

No one knows who is behind the killings nears Richards Bay or why the hitmen have moved in

Slice of Life: Running started with a block

I never thought I would be a runner. The truth is, I was not athletic.

The VBS saga – what you need to know

Around R1.6-billion belonging to municipalities was also deposited in the bank.

VBS chair’s family trust implicated in bank’s looting

The records of the Shimba La Ndou Family Trust, one of the many entities that received questionable payments, are attached to the court application

What was taken must be returned

Mahikeng locals are still bitter about strongman rule and the kgosi who handed over their land

KZN: ‘Hands off Ingonyama land’

The traditional control of land was defended by many residents during hearings in the province


Bitter pill: Inside SA’s national birth control shortage

Could drug makers be putting profits before people?

Mandela’s words about twin epidemics ring as true today as they did in 2004

One of the best ways that President Ramaphosa can honour his legacy is to join with the leaders of other countries to end the twin epidemics of HIV and TB.


Faking Nigeria’s iconic football shirt: A how-to guide

The Super Eagles had the best kit in this year’s World Cup. But if you want to own a replica, you may have to bend a few rules

Kagame: A Mandela or a Mugabe?

Rwanda’s president began with great promise but her refuses to let go of power


The pink tax is a grey area

Women aren’t necessarily being unfairly targeted, but they are being short-changed in other ways

No more yellow cards for cartels

First-time offenders will be penalised and in some cases the holding companies will also be targeted

Repo rate stays put amid concerns over growth

The South African Reserve Bank left the repo rate unchanged at 6.5% on Thursday. However, governor Lesetja Kganyago warned of upward pressure on inflation and the challenging outlook for domestic growth

We can avoid Trump’s trade war

Economists should note that US protectionism will create some beneficiaries in other countries


Nothing fuzzy about complexity

Biological traits and social constructions play a part in our nuanced relations with each other

Editorial: ANC to blame for Present dilemma

The ANC has acted swiftly to dismiss cash-in-transit heist suspect Errol Velile Present from its employ, leaving some of us to question why the party has not disassociated itself from other criminally charged individuals

Editorial: Madiba was a person

Mandela was integral to the fight against apartheid but that history is textured and complex, and populated with many, many faces which we may never know.

We need to talk about the ‘national question’

Our readers write in about the question raised by the Economic Freedom Fighters

Vryheid. Yeah, right

When a white ou starts on about his ancestors and land rights, you know we’re in trouble

Ashwin’s distress was a missed chance

His SuperSport colleagues could have asked why he was upset, rather than defending themselves

Mining charter is caught between two elite classes

First and foremost, there are “black” people whose social mobility into the elite and middle classes have not been contingent on the form of BEE being discussed

No pride in anti-gay Nigeria

Britain bestowed homophobia on the country and the state and religion cling to it

FIFTH COLUMN: Abba’s back and we Cher can’t wait (!)

Ten years since Mamma Mia!! (Actually, it’s more, because it was a stage musical before it reached the big screen, but let’s not worry about its prehistory.)

Catch up with reality, Cosas

Declaring agriculture a ‘compulsory’ subject smacks of desperate political posturing

Study reveals a home away from home

The research is a rare look into international students’ experiences at a local university

Knowledge is key to effectively running schools

Understanding the law applicable to public schools makes for informed decisions and avoids litigation


We claim Mbappé but is he one of us?

On the evening that France lifted the 2018 Fifa World Cup trophy, my friend Dee, a retired model and art curator, told me about a friend she made almost 15 years ago in some west European country

On the list

The gospel according to Pusha T by Josie Duffy Rice, The New Gentlewoman, I Called Him Morgan, Symphony No. 5

This weekend

Married But Not to Each Other, Cape Town Festival of Running, In Thokoza, Place of Peace, and African Gothic

The muted thump of Gqom Nation

The genre is morphing from its roots in house into a mash-up, as artists try new ways to get released

Better together, and closer apart

Manthe Ribane and Okzharp have forged a performance of sound on their debut album

Global force or global farce?

There is a video in which Hugh Evans speaks about the modus operandi of his philanthropy group Global Citizen, which is hosting a huge charity concert in Johannesburg 

Singapore’s pop culture, pollution cuts no ice

Pop culture gave me a variety of texts to draw on when I was a girl. I gladly received these gifts and spent some time filling my mind with survival tactics in preparation for teenhood

Two takes on the kwaito legacy

Although the authors’ styles differ and it feels as if the book was written in a hurry it’s worth reading

Weeping before the choir

‘No matter how disinterested I was in the sermons, I couldn’t ignore the singing. The sombre harmonies have never left me’


Ronaldo’s no laughing stock

Juve is sure to capitalise on their union with the CR7 brand, making gains off and on the pitch

Lions SA’s only hope at title

Same old, same old … the Jo’burg side have their work cut out to shake up a stagnant competition

Talented Tau surrenders to his fate

A nightmare scenario could leave him to languish in minor leagues 


M&G Slow