Andy Davis
Guest Author
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/ 19 May 2004

Disturbed Frequencies

Is South African youth radio short-changing local music? Should the 25% local content quota be increased, or would the commercial imperatives of the stations just make the action untenable? Andy Davis tackles the issues.

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/ 7 January 2004

Shot in the dark

“There are no real youth mags worth checking out,” says Andile, a 25-year-old advertising creative. “Generally I’ll look, but I won’t buy.” Former SL editor Andy Davis examines the potential of South Africa’s youth magazine market. Why are the dedicated titles falling short?

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/ 11 April 1997

EDITORIAL: Policing is beyond a joke

THE row between National Commissioner George Fivaz and Minister of Safety and Security Sydney Mufamadi is farcical and – entertainment value aside – intolerable. Sympathy must lie to a limited degree with the minister at the moment, if only because we share his frustration at the continued incompetence of the police in dealing with crime. […]