Rebecca Harrison
Guest Author
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/ 21 November 2007

Victims sceptical of Middle East peace push

Israeli Yfat Alon and Palestinian Radi Abu Eisha both view themselves as victims of hatred. And both scoff at talk of peace. Alon’s mother and niece were killed by a Palestinian suicide bomber. Abu Eisha watched his sick brother die when an ambulance was blocked by Israeli soldiers running just the sort of security controls Alon says are vital to prevent more attackers reaching Israel.

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/ 2 October 2007

‘Amen’ for Israel, say Christian Zionists

With a skullcap bearing the Star of David and a fervent belief that God gave the Holy Land to the Jews, Paul McCaleb could be mistaken for a Jewish settler. The 73-year-old from Tennessee is actually a born-again Christian, part of a growing group of devout Protestants, who are supporting Israel with their votes and their wallets.

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/ 1 August 2007

SA to build $700-million telecom cable

The South African government plans to build a new -million submarine cable around the west of Africa to boost broadband capacity and cut Internet tariffs in the continent, it said on Tuesday. South Africa’s state-owned telecom infrastructure company Infraco said it would split the cable into two parts with one linking South Africa to Brazil and one to London.