Rory Mccarthy
Guest Author
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/ 3 June 2008

‘Israel killed my children’

Desmond Tutu stepped out of his armoured 4×4 and walked up to the Athamna family house in Beit Hanoun last week. Then the retired archbishop stopped and bowed his head in prayer for a minute. Before him was an alleyway that 18 months ago was filled with grieving relatives and neighbours and soaked in blood.

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/ 25 April 2008

UN forced to halt Gaza food aid

The United Nations was forced to halt food handouts for up to 800 000 Palestinians last week because of a severe fuel shortage in Gaza brought on by an Israeli economic blockade. Gaza’s streets have largely been emptied of cars, except for those running on the last reserves of fuel, or on cooking gas or used vegetable oil.

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/ 21 April 2008

Watching as their homes crumble

In the end it came down to a single-page letter, written in Hebrew and Arabic and hand-delivered by an Israeli army officer who knocked at the front door. The letter spelt the imminent destruction of the whitewashed three-storey home and small tree-lined garden that Bassam Suleiman spent so long saving for and then built with his family a decade ago.

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/ 7 April 2008

Bedouin pushed out of Negev

Officially Twayil Abu Jarwal, a village on the land where the Talalqah clan has lived for generations, does not exist. It is ”unrecognised” in the terminology that shapes the bitter land dispute between the 160 000 indigenous Bedouin in the Negev desert and the Israeli state.