As countries expand investment in decentralised renewable energy, its worth keeping an eye on who’s profiting.
The judicial system alone and appealing to miscreants has not stopped attacks on women
A relevant economics curriculum should include different schools of thought and students must learn to engage with these in a critical way
University managers try to churn out as many products as possible at as low a quality as they can get away with
Whether measures announced by Gigaba will stave off a downgrade by the remaining credit rating agency remains to be seen.
Zuma’s free higher education proposal is the worst kind of populism. It’s been sold as a radically progressive policy with no negative consequences.
The president’s proposed policy for 2018 lacks the critical foresight to truly lay the groundwork to improve access to education
The Conversation Africa’s Sibonelo Radebe asked Seán Muller to weigh up the implications.
The imposition of the fee-free higher education proposal on National Treasury without due consideration represents an escalation of state capture
There is no good case for bailing out South African Airways, it’s simply a matter of avoiding a potentially catastrophic debt default.