Steve Maritz
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/ 13 May 2005

Young business savvy

New programmes encourage learners to think like entrepreneurs WITH 500 000 learners leaving school every year, more of them than ever will now have to choose to start a business. In every sector there has been large-scale restructuring, resulting in a loss of previously secure jobs. An already-high unemployment figure only compounds a school-leaver’s plight […]

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/ 13 May 2005

Real world skills

”TEACHING kids business savvy goes beyond playing shop. Real job growth is essential for South Africa’s continued economic progress. One important enabler of job growth is the unleashing of entrepreneurial talent.” So says Judy Wade of McKinsey South Africa, a global management consultancy organising an international competition for budding local entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship as a school […]

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/ 13 May 2005

Dealing with dyslexia

Dyslexia is a serious reading problem which can stunt learners’ progress EDUCATIONAL psychologists estimate that 15% of learners have serious reading problems. Dyslexics are among them. Dyslexic children will reverse words, write letters back to front, get the letter sequences of words wrong and continually lose their place when reading aloud. In spelling tests they […]