/ 14 January 2025

Somerset College IEB Matric Results 2024

Somerset College

Yet another 100% Bachelor’s pass rate for Somerset College

Pass rate: A 100% Bachelor’s Degree (University Entrance) pass 

Average A symbols per candidate: 4.2 

A Averages: 59 A averages from 98 candidates (of these, 8 averages of 90% or above) 

Candidates with A symbols: 93 

Commendable Achievements: 4 (Achieved within the top 5% in 5 subjects and achieved a rating level of 7 in Life Orientation) 

Outstanding Achievement Awards: 6 (Achieved within the top 5% in 6 subjects and achieved a rating level of 7 in Life Orientation) 

Top 1% Awards in specific IEB subjects: 40

Somerset College takes pride in its unwavering commitment to academic excellence. The Class of 2024 has set a remarkable standard, achieving an average of 4.2 A symbols per student. Over the past eight years, the school has maintained an impressive average of at least 3 A symbols per student. We are also delighted to uphold our unbroken record of a 100% Bachelor’s Degree pass rate, ensuring all our students have access to university opportunities. Among the 98 candidates, an outstanding 59 achieved an A average, with 8 students attaining an exceptional 90% or higher average. 

In addition, numerous students featured nationally in the upper echelons of the IEB results. 

Tahirah Ahmed, Megan Falkenberg, Zara Hingeston, and Matthew Wylie were awarded a Commendable Achievement award for achieving within the top 5% of all IEB candidates nationally across five subjects and an A symbol for Life Orientation. 

Ashleigh Cotterrell, Nila Prinsloo, Isabella Pritchett, Sarah Tucker, Gabriella Verdal-Austin, and Harriet Wraith achieved Outstanding Achievement Awards for ranking within the top 5% across six or more subjects and achieving an A symbol in Life Orientation. 

Somerset College students were also awarded 40 Top 1% awards for featuring in the top 1% percent of their cohort nationally across a range of subjects. This includes 2 in Accounting; 2 in Afrikaans; 6 in English HL; 1 in Geography; 1 in History; 10 in Life Orientation; 4 in Life Sciences; 3 in Mathematical Literacy; 6 in Mathematics Core; 2 in Further Studies Mathematics; 2 in Physical Sciences; and 1 in Visual Art. 

In all our academic departments except one, the Somerset College average was higher than the national IEB average. Our students attained an average over 10% higher than the national IEB average in 10 subjects, including Accounting, Afrikaans, Design, Geography, History, Information Technology, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Further Studies Mathematics and Visual Art. The Somerset College average for Mathematics Core is 18% higher than the National Average. 

A special mention goes to Sarah Tucker for attaining 8 A symbols with an average of 95.1%. She achieved 100% for Core Mathematics, FSM Standard and FSM Elective! 

We applaud the Class of 2024 for their remarkable fortitude and resilience throughout their journey. At this time, we honour the memory of Frances Downes (2006–2024), remember her as a member of the Matric Class of 2024, and extend our thoughts to her friends and family. The success of this cohort in their final examinations reflects the dedication, professionalism, and resilience of our exceptional teaching staff, who have consistently navigated challenges while supporting students and upholding standards of excellence.

We also acknowledge the contribution of the Student Development Unit. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our committed parent community, whose unwavering support for their children and the school, especially during this pivotal Grade 12 year, has been vital to this shared achievement. 

Students with 8 A symbols: 

  • Tahirah Ahmed 
  • Ella Beattie 
  • Ashleigh Cotterrell 
  • Zara Hingeston 
  • Nila Prinsloo 
  • Isabella Pritchett 
  • Sarah Tucker 
  • Gabriella Verdal-Austin 

Students with 7 A symbols: 

  • Dayle Combrinck 
  • Sarah Davidson 
  • Megan Falkenberg 
  • Nina Gräbe 
  • Cameron Leybrandt 
  • Caitlyn Macleod Smith 
  • Hannah O’Connor 
  • Bailey Pinto 
  • Alyssa Pretorius 
  • Gracie Smith 
  • Ruby van der Merwe 
  • Emma van Schalkwyk 
  • Harriet Wraith 
  • Matthew Wylie

Students with 6 A symbols

  • Talia Abelson 
  • Jack Bamford 
  • Julia Brown 
  • Megan Huggett 
  • Joshua Human 
  • Coco Macdonald 
  • Hannah Macfarlane 
  • Caroline Morris 
  • Tristan Williamson 
  • Chloe Young 


  • Erin Cunningham 
  • Rowan Curtin 
  • Helené Goosen 
  • Milla Harris 
  • Naia Harwood 
  • Madison Irvine 
  • Caitlin Kendall 
  • Nicola Kloppers 
  • Liza Linkov 
  • Sarah Pardoe 
  • Nicholas Plotz 
  • Sian Prothero 
  • Tyrone Rieth 
  • Hannah Willis 

Message from Jacques Nel, Executive Head: 

Dear Class of 2024, 

Congratulations on your extraordinary academic achievements! Your unwavering dedication, perseverance, and relentless pursuit of excellence have culminated in these spectacular results. Each of you has proven to be in a class of your own, leaving a significant legacy that will inspire generations to come. 

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated teachers who have selflessly imparted their knowledge and guided you on this journey. Their unwavering commitment to your education has played a pivotal role in your success. 

A special word of appreciation goes to the parents who have been your constant source of support. Your unwavering belief in the potential of your children, the Class of 2024, has fueled their determination and contributed significantly to their achievements.

As you embark on the next chapter of your lives, may your dreams soar high, your endeavours be fruitful, and your journey be filled with boundless opportunities. We wish you a future as bright and promising as the remarkable accomplishments you have achieved in 2024. 

Congratulations once again, Class of 2024! Your success is a testament to your hard work and dedication. We are immensely proud of you.