Power Of Women Top

Lebogang Letsoalo

The Business Woman

Global supply chain expert Lebogang Letsoalo, 44, is an outspoken voice for women in the industry, advocating for diversity and inclusion across Africa. She is the director and founder of Sincpoint, a 100% female black-owned company focusing on sustainable supply chain consulting solutions, trucking and logistics services, mentorship and coaching in procurement and logistics.

Lebo also founded an NGO, African Women in Supply Chain Association, which has mentored and coached more than 300 women entrepreneurs in the transport sector, building their technical skills to build diversity in the profession. The association also launched Inqolobane Transport Fund to bolster and build transport and logistics companies owned by black women.

Another project, the Top 100 Most Influential African Women in Africa, now in its third year, has also been a success.  Over the past seven years, Lebo has been serving on various boards and drives her efforts in the industry as a thought leader to bolster the supply chain profession in Africa and beyond. She is an advocate for anti-corruption policies in the profession.

Lebo drives key transformational initiatives across the transport sector — road, rail, maritime and aviation. She has contributed to the Africa Free Continental Trade Area debate and the African Union’s transformational policies. “When the world tells you to shrink, step up, be resilient and become a game changer,” is the best advice she says she was ever given. 

What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

When the world tells you to shrink, step up, be resilient and become a game changer.

Our theme this year is Accelerating Equality & Empowerment in Women. How do you empower yourself and women around you?

Empowering Myself: I have found my passion for making a sustainable impact in Africa and Global supply chains through my knowledge and expertise. In doing so, I empower myself by contributing to various strategic platforms, such as boards, media current affairs, academia and industry associations. For me, empowering myself requires choosing a positive, resilient and growth mindset. This has guided my choices in life and overcoming the barriers towards my growth and to empower others. I have positioned myself as a voice for women in the supply chain industry — advocating on diversity and inclusion in Africa. I advocate, coach and mentor women to participate in road, rail, maritime, aviation and pipeline transport so that female participation can grow beyond the meagre 15% currently.

If you could change or achieve one thing for South Africa today, what would it be?

Change — I would build a societal mindset without prejudices, a society that values peace, integrity, morals and conscience rather than blindly following the mass.

Achieve — Leading Africa’s top and impactful supply chain and logistics hub to build skills and capacity for the transport sector through manufacturing, technology, coaching, developing technical skills and innovative solutions for Africa.