An SANDF official admits he took a bribe over building works at the state hospital our leaders should use, but don’t. With R1-billion spent on ‘outsourcing costs’ so far, the project is still not complete
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Close to half-a-billion rand was spent on revamping 1 Military Hospital, yet there is little to show for it. A long-awaited report reveals who is implicated in the malfeasance
The defence force presents a summary of a forensic report on an investigation into upgrades and repairs to the hospital in Pretoria
The Development Bank of Southern Africa was appointed in 2019 as the implementing agent to accelerate infrastructure projects for the defence department.
1 Military Hospital is in a serious state of disrepair and the report of a forensic investigation into who is to blame for the mess remains under wraps
The emergency call system for patients at 1 Military Hospital is still out of order after two years, says a report.