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/ 10 December 2010
A pioneering new initiative at a British hospital
is using MRI scans to assess whether children with epilepsy should have surgery.
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/ 26 October 2010
A genetic test could help women who delay motherhood then find they cannot conceive by identifying those who will go through the change of life early.
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/ 10 September 2010
Despite the lack of reliable evidence underpinning the treatments being offered, the number of people resorting to stem-cell tourism is growing.
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/ 10 September 2010
Working excessive hours is thought to damage cardiovascular health by causing a person’s heart rate and blood pressure to go up.
McDonald’s, Burger King and other fast-food outlets should offer diners free drugs to compensate for the risk of heart disease.
A patient has an inherited illness that could put
family members at risk — but what if they’re kept in the dark?
Today’s figures show the number of women giving birth at 40 or over has almost doubled in the past decade and almost tripled in the last 20 years.
Joe Gerstein tells <b>Denis Campbel</b>l why he rejects the myth that alcoholism is a ‘disease’ to be endured rather than cured.