The ailing town that wasted R2-billion appoints a municipal manager rated ‘basic’, the lowest level
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They stayed away because they feared getting Covid-19, had comorbidities, were in quarantine, had become infected and the safety measures such as curfews were too limiting
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/ 14 December 2007
If you wear crocodile shoes, have an elephant leather wallet, or possess an ivory chess set, you will have to have a permit to own them from February 1 2008. If you have a cycad in your garden and you want to give it to your neighbour, you will also have to have a permit.
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/ 4 December 2007
In a further effort to protect South Africa’s fast-diminishing perlemoen stocks, Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Marthinus van Schalkwyk has imposed a ban on scuba diving and snorkelling in certain areas along the Cape coast. The envisaged prohibition, subject to a process of public comment, will take effect from February 1 next year.
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/ 26 November 2007
The Highveld regions of eastern Gauteng and western Mpumalanga, including towns such as Witbank, Standerton and Boksburg, have been declared air-pollution hot spots. ”There is little doubt that people living and working in these areas do not enjoy air quality that is not harmful to their health and well-being,” the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism said on Monday.