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/ 25 April 2006

The people have written

Since blogs have made their way into the general population’s consciousness, big media have been trying to work out how to get a slice of the action. Now Johnnic has its own citizen journalism website Matthew Buckland wonders if it will work.

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/ 21 February 2006

The Real Boom

Matthew Buckland recently returned from an online conference in Madrid, where talk of the medium’s "boom" dominated events. Those words have been used before, but now even Bill Gates is saying all media channels will soon be powered by the internet.

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/ 12 January 2006

New Imate K-Jam comes with keyboard power

It’s amazing how they pack so much into so little these days. The new Imate K-Jam from Leaf-Wireless — sporting a new sliding keyboard and Windows Mobile 5.0 — offers quite a bit despite its small shell. It’s a chunky phone — with dimensions of 108mm by 58mm, it’s much bigger than the earlier Jam incarnation — but is not too large to carry easily in your jeans pocket.

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/ 7 December 2005

Looks Like TV

Here’s a prediction. Expect online advertising to increasingly resemble television commercials. Soon there won’t be too much difference between an advert you see on your box and an advert you see on a website you happen to be visiting. They may even be one and the same thing.

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/ 7 November 2005

T-shirts to Ties?

When <i>The Media</i> launched three years ago, those who still had jobs in the online industry struggled with damaged reputations from the dotcom fallout. Today, says Matthew Buckland, a more sober online industry appears to be on much steadier ground.

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/ 2 November 2005

Brave New Categories

Radio has reached the age where it knows that it doesn’t know. It’s lost the brash confidence of 1996 when everyone was still high on freedom narcosis and anything seemed possible. Then we still compartmentalised people, now South Africans defy glib categorisation. The radio industry is taking another look at precisely whom it is broadcasting to. Charlene Smith reports.

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/ 6 April 2005

The Ad Edge

Matthew Buckland looks at what the net does in the advertising arena that traditional media can’t, and argues it goes beyond branding, allowing people to transact with the advertiser and buy the product right there and then at the online shop.

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/ 15 December 2004

Dare to Stream

Radio "streaming" may draw in a surprising amount of listeners, but the business prospects have yet to evolve. Matthew Buckland considers the current landscape and future prospects of the net’s audio capabilities.