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/ 2 October 2007

UN envoy meets Burma junta chief, Suu Kyi

United Nations envoy Ibrahim Gambari met Burma junta chief Than Shwe and detained opposition Aung San Suu Kyi on Tuesday at the end of four-day mission to halt a bloody crackdown on the biggest democracy protests in 20 years. There was no word on whether Gambari’s single meeting with Than Shwe had persuaded him to relax his iron grip.

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/ 27 September 2007

Riot police charge Yangon crowd

Burma riot police charged a crowd of more than 1 000 protesters after they pelted soldiers with rocks and water bottles in central Yangon on Thursday and at least one person collapsed as shots were fired, witnesses said. One man was on the ground, unconscious, but it was not clear whether he was alive or dead.

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/ 27 September 2007

Junta raids Burma monasteries

Burma’s generals launched pre-dawn raids on rebellious monasteries on Thursday in their crackdown on the biggest anti-junta protests in 20 years, defying desperate international calls for restraint. It was unusually quiet on the streets of Yangon, where troops killed an estimated 3 000 people in the ruthless suppression of a 1988 uprising.

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/ 24 September 2007

Burmese anti-junta protests spread

Tens of thousands of people joined streams of Buddhist monks on marches through Burma’s capital on Monday in the biggest demonstration against the ruling generals since they crushed student-led protests nearly 20 years ago. ”People locked arms around the monks. They were clapping and cheering,” a witness said.

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/ 21 September 2007

Monks lead thousands in Burma protest march

At least 3 000 people led by Buddhist monks marched along flooded streets in Yangon on Friday, piling pressure on Burma’s ruling junta in the most sustained challenge to its rule in nearly 20 years. About 1 500 cinnamon-robed monks marched barefoot through the city on Friday, attracting an equal number of followers.

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/ 19 September 2007

Monks defy Burmese junta

Thousands of Buddhist monks on Wendesday marched in protest against Burma’s military government one day after police fired warning shots and used teargas to disperse demonstrators. At least 2 000 monks turned out in the city of Sittwe, in north-west Burma, the scene of Tuesday’s clashes.