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/ 10 November 2007
Rudy Giuliani’s bid to become Republican candidate for United States president faces months of questioning on the campaign trail, after his friend and protégé Bernard Kerik was on Friday charged with corruption and lying to cover up his misdeeds.
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/ 25 September 2007
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad clashed with an United States university president who called him a ”petty and cruel dictator” at a forum on Monday where Ahmadinejad criticised Israel and the US and said Iran was a peaceful nation. Ahmadinejad also said in an appearance at Columbia University that Iran’s nuclear programme was purely peaceful.
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/ 21 September 2007
A request by the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, for an official tour of Ground Zero while he is at the United Nations next week met a collective response that was classically New Yorker: Fuhgeddaboutit!