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/ 5 December 2003

Utrecht is game for anything

Faced with extinction, a small KwaZulu-Natal town has transformed itself into a wildlife reserve. The tourist industry is growing and the local population has embraced the promise of a long-term economic future. More visitors and investors already live and walk among the wildebeest and other game.

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/ 21 August 2003

Coal starts tourism project

The word’s largest of its kind, the Richards Bay Coal Terminal, has taken the initiative and involved a nearby rural community in a conservation project. The Dube community comprises approximately 7 500 of the poorest people in KZN.

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/ 9 December 2002

Call for peace in the valley

It was monumental tactlessness or spite: the triumphant signing of the settlement agreement last weekend that brought an end to the controversial Mangethe land claim was held next door to the burnt-out remains of the landowner’s community hall.

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/ 12 November 2002

A holistic approach to Aids care

It sounds crass to call it a one-stop Aids shop, but that is exactly what it is. Amangwe village, north of Richard’s Bay, will become an integrated Aids care centre that looks after both the people afflicted with the syndrome and the social structure that is affected by their illness.

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/ 25 October 2002

A boost for township B&Bs

Bed and breakfast establishments in South Africa have come a long way. In the old days the guest was given a converted cupboard or the room of a teenager who had just left home, complete with dirty socks still under the bed. Then there was a long traipse down the passage to the bathroom.

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/ 17 October 2002

Firewood at a price

The road to Ingwavuma goes through a dustbowl. The veld is parched and the trees are stunted. Piles of firewood lie on the side of the road, awaiting potential buyers on their way to Sodwana and Kosi Bay. But no one can be seen near this loot.

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/ 23 September 2002

Time runs out for Dukuduku

Conservationists warn that immediate drastic action is necessary to save the indigenous Dukuduku forest, which borders the Greater St Lucia World Heritage Site. The once-pristine stretch of rare coastal sand forest is being destroyed by thousands of illegal squatters who have been living on the land since 1975.

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/ 28 June 2002

New era dawns for ‘village’ banks

You can regard it as a bank with training wheels. It doesn’t even look like a bank. In some respects it isn’t. The "Village Bank" at Mfekayi in central Zululand is a community bank, helping rural farmers to handle their money. It operates along the principles of a stokvel.

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/ 7 June 2002

Inroads into patriarchy

It’s not often, in the patrilineal Zulu hierarchy, that the succession of chieftainship goes to a woman. But the Mpungose royal family now has its first female inkosi, who has brought new energy to the position. Lily Mpungose has tackled her job with determination.

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/ 24 May 2002

Operation father figure

The translocation of young elephant bulls has taught scientists the value of the animals’ social structure. In 1994 rhinos were being found dead in the Pilanesberg Game Reserve with their horns ripped out, their backs broken and their bodies mutilated.