SAA bailout raises more questions
/ 15 October 2020

SAA bailout raises more questions

As the government continues to grapple with the troubles facing the airline, it would do well to keep on eye on the impending Denel implosion

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/ 8 June 2007

Death toll from cyclone in Oman more than 30

Cyclone Gonu, which tore through Oman this week before veering towards Iran, killed at least 32 people and left another 30 missing in the Gulf sultanate, police said on Friday. ”The toll from cyclone Gonu has reached 32 dead … and 30 missing,” a police spokesperson said in a statement published by the official Ona news agency.

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/ 19 November 2003

Oman on alert against deadly virus

Oman’s Health Ministry has put out an alert for the deadly West Nile fever following the discovery of an equine form of the virus, a newspaper reported on Wednesday. The new measures follow the ”limited outbreak” of West Nile fever in horses in March. The diagnosis was confirmed by the University of Pretoria in South Africa.