Totsie Memela-Khambula has known about allegations of a nepotistic tender for months but taken no action
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The ConCourt has ruled that former social development minister Bathabile Dlamini was not negligent by extending the CPS contract last year
The minister needs more time to appoint an evaluating team that is better equipped to judge tender proposals
The ConCourt has ordered Dlamini and Bhengu to explain why they should not be held liable for extension of the CPS contract
The tender deadline was originally postponed from February 28, and risks being postponed again.
In court papers, Bhengu said there was still no ‘feasible’ contingency plan that will guarantee cash payments on April 1
The agency will meet the deadline to pay 17-million grant beneficiaries, but it will still need the help of CPS to do so
The agency has less than a month to fully migrate core components of the grants scheme from Cash Paymaster Services, as ordered by the ConCourt
Roughly 2.8-million beneficiaries will not get their grant payments if the contract with CPS is not extended, the agency argued in court papers.
The agency has 31 days to migrate core components of the grants scheme from CPS to the South African Post Office, as agreed in December last year.
A panel of experts expects Sassa to renege on its Constitutional mandate to pay grants to over 10-million recipients.
Treasury director general Dondo Mogojane says Sassa jumped the gun by excluding the Post Office from three of the four services Sassa required.
Sassa and Sapo appeared before a joint parliamentary meeting on Tuesday and are attempting to work out a deal for the payment of social grants
With more than half its jobs vacant, Sassa has until 2021 to find a solution to distribute grants.
Come March 2018, the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) may find itself in a "mad dash" to secure grant payments once again.
The new chief executive says she’s independent, despite being seen as a ‘friend’ of the social development minister
Alarm bells are ringing over the minister’s close ties with the agency’s new chief executive