More than an allergen, pollen can be used to diagnose climatic changes
/ 14 November 2021

More than an allergen, pollen can be used to diagnose climatic changes

Monitoring has focused on health risks, but palynologists are now using it to study climatic changes in various landscapes

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/ 9 November 2004

Enter the sea squirts

Researchers working off coastal Georgia have discovered what could be three new species of bottom-dwelling creatures known as sea squirts. The diminutive creatures — also known as tunicates — were recently found at Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary, a reef 28km east of Georgia’s Sapelo Island.

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/ 21 October 2004

Wanted, dead: Cuban tree frogs

The small frogs that croaked in Diane Butler’s backyard pond had been silenced and her goldfish were disappearing. But she had bagged the culprit, and stashed the body in her freezer. Butler’s capture of an 11cm Cuban tree frog in coastal Savannah has caused a nervous stir among wildlife biologists in Georgia and Florida.

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/ 9 June 2004

US plans to train 50 000 peackeepers

World leaders, looking for quicker, more effective responses to wars in Africa and other crises, are expected to offer training and equipment for more than 50 000 peacekeepers over the next five years, United States officials said. They said President George Bush’s administration is negotiating with congress for -million in funding over the next five years for the plan.